Monday, July 28, 2014

MadMish 2014 - Week 3

7/20/14 “Where’s my short women?” –RB (about me)
7/20/14 How great it is to see a student after a full year.
7/21/14 Zucchini fries are good but kale chips aren’t as great (especially if they are slightly burnt.)
7/21/14 Question of the night: “Is there a Mrs. God?” –ET
7/21/14 “People can get pregnant without doing it.” –RB
7/22/14 How to make dilly beans (hopefully).
7/23/14 “I always try to look at myself in the mirror with my eyes closed.” –ET
7/24/14 Your hands get really sore from picking grass/weeds in the garden.
7/24/14 What a wienis is. (it’s the excess skin on your elbows)

7/25/14 Middle School Leaders are MSL because they still act like MS students when the students aren’t around.

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