Monday, July 28, 2014

MadMish 2014 - Week 2

7/6/14 “Only boys can be communists.” –JP and DB
7/7/14 “I’m so giggly when I’m over-tired.”
7/8/14 How to play balloon volleyball.
7/8/14 Water wars at Vitense are a lot of fun.
7/8/14 “Being Cory-deprived is okay” (But not God-deprived.)
7/8/14 I was born in the wrong decade – I love the music they played when we worked with the seniors.
7/9/14 How much two pounds of bologna is.
7/9/14 Gardening not at home is fun-ish.
7/9/14 The beginnings of swim lessons!
7/10/14 How to make [almost] every student on your team cry during foot-washing.

7/11/14 Saying goodbye after an awesome week is really tough.

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