Wednesday, March 12, 2014


3/6/14 How to drive to Ohio.
3/6/14 Geoffrey (the GPS) gets angry and confused sometimes. 
3/7/14 I remember a few things about couple weeks previously spent in Columbus.
3/8/14 The Skit Guys are hilarious, especially live.
3/9/14 I am just a vapor.
3/10/14 It’s okay to miss a workshop so you can read your Bible.
3/10/14 It's possible to go the same Chick-fil-A you went to two years ago without realizing it until you notice the car wash.
3/10/14 Don't stop at the gas station we went to...only one co-ed bathroom for 13 people takes a while!
Other learning from the weekend:

  • Columbus has a nice 24 hour donut shop. 
  • The truth about why we work with Middle School students.
  • Sometime you have to be the students frontal or cerebral cortex. 
  • I need to watch Hulk so I can understand references to it.

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