Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jesus. Friends. Awesome. ~Snow Camp 2014~

  • A double decker bus can make you a little woozy.
  • Zacchaeus was like a Peacekeeper.
  • A little bit of sign language.
  • That I'm not very good at sign language.

  • Knowledge from EA&NP: The number one rule of cannibalism is that you can’t eat your best friend or BFF of another cannibal. The best way to survive is to be a BFF with a cannibal.
  • “It’s fun to lie!” –BK
  • How to successfully play Capture the Flag!
  • The number on rule of Snow Camp is “Do Not Die.”
    • “The success of a leader is based on the success of Snow Camp. The success of Snow Camp is based on the number of students who do not die. So far, we have a great record – don’t ruin it for us!” –EA 
    • According to our cabin, there are 102 ways to die at Snow Camp.
  • I have problem with words:
    •  “I get tired when I’m hyper.” 
    • “Does any of you…”
  • Being “peer pressured” into snow-tubing is a lot of fun, even if those pressuring you are not actually your peers.
  • The punishment for any thing is that you'll be walking home.
  • In Greek, Snow Camp actually means Sleep Walking Camp. {Long Story}

  • My cabin is incapable of not spilling something at a meal.
  • “Jesus rose from the dead…people don’t usual do that.” -JB
  • Based upon my cabins standards (and many other standards) Snow Camp was indeed a success.

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