Saturday, January 25, 2014

First Month After College

  • It takes a long time to decide a name for your new blog.
  • I love being home. A lot.
  • It’s okay to go on a date with your parents.
  • How to be home for an extended period of time, and NOT have to milk!
  • Christmas with just your parents is a little strange.
  • How to “warm up” after morning chores.
  • Watching Disney Princess movies and going to bed before midnight is an excellent way to spend New Year’s Eve.
  • How to teach your parents to play Dutch Blitz.
  • A little of what it feels like to be a parent to three middle schoolers…for a week.
  • How to get lunch to school for one of the MS students.
  • Having TV in your apartment is nice but it sometimes is a really big distractor.
  • Your room gets pretty messy when you run out of quarters to clean your clothes and then the washing machine isn’t working when you finally have quarters.
  • It is okay to order a chocolate shake in the middle of winter, especially if that’s what you really want.
  • What it is like outside with a -45 degree wind-chill.
  • What going to orientation at your first job after college feels like!
  • It is difficult to learn the names of everyone at your workplace…but I’ll get there, I hope!
  • 2 Retreats + 1 weekend + 1 introvert = 4 hour nap after returning home
  • You know you are good friends when you can plan an impromptu get together and just sit and talk for a couple hours.
  • How to relate Snap Chat to prayer.
  • You don’t need WiFi to talk to God.
  • For some reason, I really want to be someone’s personal assistant.
  • I can get used to this whole not having to go to class thing.

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