Thursday, February 5, 2015

Last Week in Mad-Town

8/9/14 Non-breakfast foods from Mickies are good as well, especially if you sit at the bar for 2 hours with a good friend.
8/9/14 What it is like to go to the Terrace for no reason other than to hang out.
8/10/14 Saying goodbye to your kitty is not easy.
8/10/14 How to be “fairy god-mother” to your mom while she’s on vacation.
8/11/14 What it is like to jump off a forty foot pole (while connected to a bungee cord swing, of course)
8/11/14 Student leaders are the best.
8/12/14 Spending the last couple days of your internship at the student leadership team overnight couldn’t have been more perfect.
8/12/14 How to make a strawberry-rhubarb pie.
8/13/14 What it is like to pack, clean, and move out of your first real apartment.
8/13/14 God is bigger than the changes.
8/13/14 Last night in Madison spent with MSM leaders at Cheeseburger…I am so blessed!
8/14/14 I cried driving away from a town I once claimed to hate.

8/14/14 How to put a skid loader door (with the glass in it) in the backseat of your car, by yourself.